How They Work

Why Suffer from Looking Too Good?

Worried about complexity? Fret not! Our teeth are designed for easy-peasy application. Slip ’em on, secure ’em with a grin, and you’re good to go. Whether you’re gearing up for a costume party, a themed event, or just a good ol’ fashioned prank, our teeth will have you ready in no time.
Family traveling in camper,house on wheels,trailer,motor home. Romantic road travel,freedom life.Cam

Already Look Bad?

We Have Cosmetic Teeth Too!

Just like our teeth, Imako’s cosmetic teeth are all about embracing the look you want to achieve. Whether you’re looking to enhance minor imperfections or add a dash of Hollywood allure, Imako empowers you to feel flawlessly you, no matter the circumstance.

Secure and reliable

A Comfortable & Confident Hold

When they arrive the back is smooth. In your kitchen, using steam and ice-water, you will alter the back side to have exact imprints of your teeth. Following the techniques in our instructions is necessary. The special plastic softens and then returns to its hard state when it cools. The front side must remain cool.

Once fitted you can carry them around for years and pop them on anytime, but you must take care to keep them cooler than 120°. Guaranteed 30 days, made in America. Please see our video for more info:

On the inside, a perfectly fitted set of Dr. Bukk teef look like this. Your natural bite is not affected, and the fit is snug and confident!